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Meditation Does Not Work. Unless You Do This:

Yo Fam! Coach Sam here and I am going to break down for you my take on meditation and type I think works best for most people. Because honestly for most, meditation does not work. Unless you do this:

First I have to answer the main question here: Does coach Sam meditate? Well, yes, I do meditate! But I don’t meditate in the way most people picture meditation in their mind. I do not do well with sitting down meditation, where your eyes are closed, your saying mantras and everything is cumbiyah and woo saa. I do not like that form of meditation and it never seems to work for myself or others that I talk to.

Over the past 8 years I have practiced many forms of meditation and the sitting forms never produced the best results. I have had some positive results, so I cannot completely dismiss them. But overall, the form of meditation I am going to share with you here has been much more beneficial for myself and others I have shared it with.

But first, what is my definition of meditation? Knowing how I define meditation will give you a better idea of why my methods of meditating have more benefits than the conventional methods.

Meditation in my mind is anything that takes me out of every day life. It takes my mind off of the every day stressors I have and every day issues we all have to deal with, for a short period of time.

The meditation that works best for myself and many of the people I recommend this to is active meditation!

Let’s break down why active meditation is so beneficial:

  1. You’re being active during this meditative session. Which gives you the benefit of exercise for the physical body.
  2. It is not only beneficial to the body but the mind as well. Because engaging in physical activity allows the mind to clear.

The 2 forms of active meditation that I do on a daily basis are:

  1. Walking
  2. Working out
Picture of someone walking.
Picture of someone exercising in the gym.

Because I perform these pretty much every day I am getting two meditation sessions in per day! While simultaneously improving my physical health.

The workouts are mostly weight training sessions which are pretty intense. I am pushing the pace pretty hard, it is more of what I would call an emotional experience. I am going into the gym, pushing hard, grinding my teeth and really getting the body moving and working hard.

Its an amazing form of meditation because at the end of the session I am wiped out, I feel slightly exhausted, but I feel great because during the workout I was releasing some neurotransmitters that are associated with feeling good. Such as, serotonin, dopamine and endorphins!

To an extent you can call a hard workout a form of drug induced meditation because of all the powerful positive neurotransmitters being excreted in your brain.

The walking sessions are between 20-90 minutes usually and it allows me to clear my mind. I usually go with nothing or with a pair of headphone to listen to some of my favorite music. I have actually had some of my best ideas and thoughts while walking.

Walking allows me to rummage through all of the thoughts that are racing through my mind during the day. The first 30 minutes is usually me still thinking of my every day problems and thinking through the big things that are fresh in my mind. But as the walk goes on and time passes, my strain of thinking starts to change.

The thoughts of future successes, goals and what I want for my life start to come about. There is not much time during the day when I have the chance to think about goals, plans, how to set the future up for success. There are just so many distraction in every day life, until I take myself out of it, even for a short period of time.

Walking allows me to do this. And because I give myself the time to rummage through the stressful thoughts and allow the positive ones to make their way through, I am able to gain more control over my thinking, emotions and I begin to set things back on track.

So I always encourage my clients to give these 2 forms of meditation a chance. Although sitting meditation does not work for me… You can also always give the sitting meditations a chance, it may work for you. But for most people, active meditation is the better option and it also improves your health drastically at the same time.

The physically healthier you are, the mentally healthier you are most of the time!

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